Meet Nan & Kate
Hi, Kate and Nan here. We are very excited to be part of this ground-breaking senior living project. Co-housing is an idea we have been looking into for a few years. When we heard of VILLAGE HEARTH, with the commitment to aging in place with other 55+ LGBT and straight allies in the same town as our launched daughter, we were interested. When we met the members who were already involved, we were in.
About us: Kate works for a Behavioral Health Organization as a clinician (LCSW) in various health clinics in the Mid-Coast of Maine. In her spare time, Kate keeps busy working in the yard and working part-time as an energy healer and is looking forward to meeting others in the Durham area who are interested in the wonders of the universe. Nan is also a social worker, but, has worked in academia for the past 30 years, currently working at the University of Maine. In addition to her job, Nan has volunteered at the local community library, currently serves as a SAGEMAINE Board member, and for many years has been on the board for a local substance use treatment organization. She hopes to stay active in her new community in North Carolina, maybe even teaching an online class or two.
About us: Kate works for a Behavioral Health Organization as a clinician (LCSW) in various health clinics in the Mid-Coast of Maine. In her spare time, Kate keeps busy working in the yard and working part-time as an energy healer and is looking forward to meeting others in the Durham area who are interested in the wonders of the universe. Nan is also a social worker, but, has worked in academia for the past 30 years, currently working at the University of Maine. In addition to her job, Nan has volunteered at the local community library, currently serves as a SAGEMAINE Board member, and for many years has been on the board for a local substance use treatment organization. She hopes to stay active in her new community in North Carolina, maybe even teaching an online class or two.
Legally married since 2013, but together much longer, we share many interests and hobbies and love living on the coast, watching seabirds, sailboats, and sea-smoke. Although we will always visit Maine in the summer, we also know that now is the time to start looking for a vibrant and engaged community to grow with and support as we all age.
When we move to Durham, we will have with us 4 rescued animals (2 dogs and 2 cats) and hopefully only 2 suitcases, as we have spent the summer seriously downsizing. After we both retire, we will make our trek to Durham in our 20-year-old Volkswagon Rialta camper. We are looking forward to our “third act” adventure.